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Sr Software Engineer - (Seattle, WA)

Position details Your role will be focused on developing, and enhancing highly extensible .NET applications and services that help unify many products in our product suite. Your work will involve but not be limited to: consuming and creating RESTful web services working on AWS IOT and Lambda to support devices out in the field and deploying code to different environments using AWS code deploy and Jenkins. Our software is used by demanding organizations worldwide and we have very high-quality of craftsmanship and standards. Your professionalism lets you learn quickly, adapt to changing situations, help others, and take care of the details. You communicate well and get along with other people. You are proud of your code and your code is a joy to read, being decoupled and unit testable. Required responsibilities: * Development, testing and deployment of WAVE components * Specifications, architecture, wiki pages, and other design documents


Posted in Seattle, WA, IT & software development
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago