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Relief Residential Youth Care Worker - Supported Apartments - (Florissant, MO)

YOUTH IN NEED JOB DETAILS EXPERIENCE Position le: Relief Residential Youth Care Worker Reports To: Supported Apartment Supervisor FLSA Status: Non-Exempt PURPOSE OF JOB To provide a safe and therapeutic environment for youth in the Youth In Need residential programs. ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITY NO. 1 - 85% OF TIME Description: Provide safe, therapeutic environment for residents Task No. 1 Supervise youth at all times Task No. 2 Monitor the interactions among youth to ensure appropriate physical boundaries are maintained Task No. 3 ist youth in daily activities (i.e. homework, laundry, etc.) Task No. 4 ist youth in the preparation of healthy meals Task No. 5 Facilitate psycho-educational groups, life skills groups, and house meetings Task No. 6 Provide for all of youths basic needs (i.e. hygiene, food, and clothing) Task No. 7 Model appropriate behavior ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITY NO. 2 - 5% OF TIME Description: Maintain communication with staff to ensure quality services to residents Task No.


Posted in Florissant, MO, Non-Profit
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago