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Social Worker/ Volunteer Coordinator - (Arvada, CO)

AVIANT Healthcare is seeking experienced and exceptionally talented professionals to care for our patients and their loved ones. With community-based hospice locations throughout the southwest, our organization offers a supportive working environment, offering a warm and supportive culture to work and develop professionally. We are dedicated not only to patients and families but to maintaining an employee culture of engagement which is focused on employee retention. QUALIFICATIONS: Master's or Bachelor's Degree from a social work curriculum accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Must have at least 2 yrs of experience working with geriatric population. 2 yrs hospice experience is preferred. Must have great communication expertise and the ability to relate positively to others. Must have the ability to work with fellow employees and volunteers.


Posted in Arvada, CO, Non-Profit
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago